Here you will find news and information about facade claddings.
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CNT Heilbronn
In its issue 03-23 the magazine CUBE Stuttgart published an interesting new building for a tobacco company in Heilbronn. According to the idea of the

Start-Up ideas from Offenbach
Movie about Start-Up ideas from Offenbach, e.g. with an report from Marc Gatzweiler Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren

As a part of ‘Gründerstadt Offenbach’ our general manager Marc Gatzweiler in his capacity as mentor accompanied café-founder Swana Su with the build-up of her

Nomination for the Berlin BDA Prize 2015
Nomination of the Pankow residential building Pfeilstraße 6 for the Berlin BDA Prize 2015

`Delta Elements – architectural skins´
GO.AKTUELL newspaper of the founding city of Offenbach: article/company portrait ‘Delta Elements – architectural skins’, magazine, p. 3, city of Offenbach, employment promotion, issue no.

`The sprayers won’t spray on it´
Lederle, Achim: article/company portrait ‘The sprayers won’t spray on it’, daily newspaper Offenbach Post, business section, p. 19, saturday edition 16 Nov 2013

Hessian Founder’s Award 2013
HESSIAN FOUNDER’S AWARD 2013, semi-finalist in the category ‘innovative business idea’ from 31 Oct 2013, organiser Initiativkreis Gründertage Hessen, October 2013

`Peter-Behrens School Darmstadt´
Specialist article, Architecture Exclusive Lifestyle: article ‘Peter-Behrens School Darmstadt’ p. 48/49 and ‘Renovation of the Hasengrund sports hall in Rüsselsheim’ p. 50/51, Premium Medien Verlags

`Design Wärme Schutz´
Specialist article, EWI-Systems – the magazine for architects, online magazine ‘Design Wärme Schutz’, article p. 29, Fachverband Wärmedämm-Verbundsysteme e.V., issue 2012

`Glass mosaic in the facade system´
Lecture, greenX Passivhaus Architekten, on 04 Jul 2012 in Benningen, client/organiser greenX, title of the lecture: ‘Glass mosaic in the facade system’, July 2012

`Pearls on the rhine river´
Specialist article, Zielke, Achim: ‘Pearls on the rhine river’, trade magazine ‘BAU – Das bundesweite Baumagazin’, issue 5/2012, article p. 12/13, KNAAK Verlag Berlin, ISSN

`Day of Architecture 2012´
Award, ‘Day of Architecture 2012’ of the Hessian Chamber of Architects, selection sports hall Am Hasengrund Rüsselsheim after application procedure with Dierks Blume Nasedy Architekten,

German Facade Award 2011
Award, German Facade Award 2011, Recognition for Facade Royal Frankfurt, trade association Baustoffe und Bauteile für vorgehängte hinterlüftete Fassaden e.V., Berlin, p. 20-21, FVHF Berlin

`Frankfurt becomes greener´
Specialist article, Henke, Michael: ‘Frankfurt becomes greener’, cover story trade magazine ‘Fliesen & Platten’, issue no. 3, March 2010, cover story – cover picture and

`Holistic planning concept for energy-efficient construction […]´
Expert workshop on 18 Feb 2010 in the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg house in Darmstadt, client: TU Darmstadt for the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs

`Schools – Educational Spaces´
Specialist article, Kramer, Sibylle: ‘Schools – Educational Spaces’, report p. 40 ff, Verlag Braun Publishing, Switzerland, 1st edition 2010, ISBN 978-3-03768-023-0

`The Renaissance of the Facade Tile´
Lecture, AiD event on 27 Nov 08 at Bene Frankfurt am Main, client: AiD Architektur im Dialog, title of the lecture: ‘The Renaissance of the

`Glass Mosaic Facade – A Brilliant Clothing´
Lecture, City Administration of Hanover on 23 Sep 2008 in Hanover, title of the lecture: ‘Glass Mosaic Facade – A Brilliant Clothing’, September 2008

`Monolithically supplemented – school extension for all-day school […]´
03/08 Specialist article, Stamm, Elke/ Jäger, Frank Peter: ‘Monolithically supplemented – school extension for all-day school: two examples from Cologne’, Deutsche Bauzeitung DBZ, article p.

`Development of a modular facade cladding system […]´
Publication, Gatzweiler, Marc/ Lenz, Bernhard/ Bergmann, Matthias: Research report ‘Development of a modular facade cladding system for post-war housing estates’, client: Technical University of Darmstadt

`Large Format Small Structured – The Renaissance of Glass Tile´
Publication, Gatzweiler, Marc: Scientific brochure ‘Large Format Small Structured – The Renaissance of Glass Tile’, 2nd edition February 2008

`Massive Transparency´
Specialist article, Jäger, Frank Peter: ‘Massive Transparency’, trade journal Fassadentechnik, article pp. 12-15, issue 02/08 The expressiveness of a gap between buildings, 14th volume, February

`Bright green in a dreary backyard´
Specialist article German-Architects-Online from 01/08: ‘Bright green in a dreary backyard’, 5-page project description, German Architects, January 2008

`Massive glass facade all in green´
Specialist article, FASSADE, Fassadenarchitektur und –technik: ‘Massive glass facade all in green’, article pp. 18-19, 01/2008 issue ‘Facades: Modern interpretation of grown structures’, January 2008

`Glass green, Catholic primary school in Cologne completed´
Specialist article, BauNetz online report from 07 Dec 2006, ‘Glass green, Catholic primary school in Cologne completed’, BauNetz online December 2007

`In dialogue with the housing industry´
Lecture, 4th alsecco Forum 2007 ‘In dialogue with the housing industry’ on 01 Nov 07 at the Opel Forum Rüsselsheim, client: alsecco GmbH & Co.

`Large Format Small Structured – The Renaissance of Glass Tile´
Publication, Gatzweiler, Marc: Scientific brochure ‘Large Format Small Structured – The Renaissance of Glass Tile’, 1st edition March 2007

`Modular facade – new skin for old houses´
Workshop, Technical University Darmstadt with support of the company Alsecco, location: Factory Gerstungen Topic: ‘Modular facade – new skin for old houses’, organisation and management